investigations of a dag

By kasty

a turn in the weather

attempted to blast my hangover clean out of me with a walk up blackford hill. In all my years here I've never been to the top. Freezing outside, but I was pretty happy ipod on, wandering through damp woods and moors to get to the view at the top. Just a whimsical silly walk in a silly hat.

However seconds after taking this picture the weather turned polar and fierce winds started pelting me with freezing rain. Retreated to the lower slopes and pond to take wiggly overexposed pictures of tree silhouettes and moonlight (at half four the twilight was bright and the half moon brighter) till my fingers froze and I looked bedraggled enough for dog walkers to avoid me.

Several pics to choose from today but meant to be working on something else not nattering here. Choose this first wee finger curl of winter beckoning the snow clouds to arrive.

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