A Beautiful Life

By flybytheseat

Sushi Celebration

Look at all that beautiful sushi. It was like eating art! So delicious, too.

Tonight, we gathered with J's family to celebrate many things! Mainly, J's 30th birthday, coming up on Monday the 5th. I think we ate more than twice his age in sushi rolls. In addition to that, we were celebrating my finding a job...FINALLY! As well as our 10 month anniversary. Awww....

We went to Umi Sushi in Pt. Loma, and let me just say...best sushi ever! We tore through this boat in no time.

After dinner, J got complimentary green tea ice cream for dessert. Although, I wasn't much of a fan of the flavor, as I don't really like tea anyway, but it looked pretty!

Later, we stopped by the Lemon Grove Christmas bonfire with J's sis and her man, before heading back to the house for coffee ice cream & cake with the fam.

I think the highlight of the evening was watching some of the Stout family videos from back in the day...'89-'92 or so, looking back on J and A when they were just kids. What treasures those were! So 80's!

...unfortunately for J's mama, one of the hidden treasures, taped between sections, was uncovered instantly for the entire family to see > all of a sudden, there she was, doing the most 90's rap ever, complete with hair and makeup...taped for her preschool kids for Thanksgiving. We were crying, we were laughing so hard. It. Was. AWESOME. I want to put it on YouTube, but she won't let me. ;) Love you, T!

What a memorable evening!

Happy Birthday, J! Love, love, love.


Did I mention, I'm officially a STUDENT? I registered today, for English 120.
The special part about this news is, I've been out of High School for over 10 years, and I just haven't had the motivation, or money to go to college. Well, I'm finally motivated...and just like magic, I was approved for a grant, so my class cost $15. Thank you unemployment!! ;) I will be taking my very first, college class, ever.

2012 is looking better and better...

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