Haute Cuisine :)

Mr Lif had me up at the crack of dawn this morning. James Martin was not even on the TV when I was showered and ready for action. Straight into town to pick up some decorating materials and then some more Christmas cava before a wee bit of clothes shopping. Around 12 Mr Lif declared himself scabby hungry and so there was no choice but to head to the fast food hell on the retail park. Mr Lif thought it amusing to take a picture of me struggling with my Chicken Royale which was hell bent on self destruction.

When we got home it was time to paint the front room. It all went well and by 6:30 we were done. We make a good team. I then made a lentil and cauli curry for tea just in time for Strictly!

Now knackered and forcing down a second glass of cava before an early night! We have decided against doing the dining room tomorrow. Instead we shall go for a nice long bimble with the long suffering hounds. I got the short straw - the dining room is mine at some point during the week

Have a fine Saturday x

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