The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops

Devildriver - Cardiff Coal Exchange

Part two of three part eclectic musical journey over three week period.

Part one was a night of folkiness at the Bellowhead gig at the same venue.

From the sublime to the ridiculous we were back at The Cardiff Coal Exchange for a bit of head-banging mania, and the Californian masters of the mosh circle, Devildriver.

I have seen them before a few years back, at the fantastic venue of The Point, which is a stones throw away from the Coal Exchange. Sadly The Point was closed due to NIMBY neighbours who moved in after the venue was opened and suddenly realised they lived next door to a noisy concert hall! There should be some kind of law prohibiting this, you move next to a nuisance that is already there, that's your fault. A similar thing happened at The Globe, but fortunately that has been reopened with much better sound proofing. Which is just as well, as I will be there a week today watching The Reasoning, part three of this live music trio.

It was a great night of proper thrash metal, and some of the most insane mosh circles I have seen in a while.

I didn't take the dSLR as it was chucking it down with rain, so I only managed this grainy shot from alongside the front barrier.

I also managed a couple bits of video of the mosh circles for you to see. Yes, that row in the background is music! ;o)

Devildriver Mosh Circle #1

Devildriver - Mosh Circle #2

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