Imagine the view....

By btc

To assume makes an ass of u and me...

...I thought I'd take a picture of work from the best place, outside of it!! (from the pub across the road, no picture of a pint of Guinness this Friday!!)

What a week, mayhem, miscommunication, a strike, a tax rebate, finished with the worst job of all, a day of back to back interviewing (can't explain how much I hate interviewing, I'd rather be a lifelong Chelsea fan!)

What this got to do assuming, funny story to lighten the day, myself and the panel were waiting for our last interviewee of the day, while she was sitting her pre interview test,

Andrew (one of the panel) turns to me as says

"she's nearly done",

"she, I'm expecting a he, but it could be a typo, it is a generic name" I said

the candidate finishes and comes in, "before I start, can I check that your name is X and you are here for the the role of a Business Accountant" i said,

"No, my name is x" she said "and I'm here for a call centre role, I thought the test was really hard and didn't make sense, but I gave it a go"

It seems one of my staff, who shall remain nameless (A Ali), went to reception and asked security for the person who was here for the 3 o'clock interview, unfortunately there were 2 of them.

Top marks go to her for giving is a go, less marks for the other people involved.

It did however bring 30 mins joy to an otherwise joyless day.

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