Another Year In Clark Park

One of my blips for about a year and a week ago can be seen HERE. I remember posting it because I was brand-new to the website and there was a moon up that night. I made much shorter comments back then. Now I blip almost the same shot, but the moon is behind me and the camera is somewhat to the left of what it was last time. What I notice is that because half the park has been renovated, you'll see the new lighting to the left.

It wasn't easy to choose the shot this time because I took in some great cat pix, but I thought they were taking over my whole journal of late (they run my life of course). But this shot shows a place I know step by step, and where I've gathered many blips, so I thought I'd give it another night-nod.

This is a park that sweetens up the local life in many ways.

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