Paul's Imagination.

By paulransom


I didn't manage to get a single nice photograph from Hannah's 21st party, so instead here's one of Jen. It was an extremely enjoyable night not going out :)


It's been a mixed-bag of a week, that's for sure.

Work has been bad. So very bad, but then, that's something I'm used to by now.

The little 'thank you' project we were given actually restored my faith in graphics, given that in a week we were able to come up with an idea and produce it, rather than spending 12 weeks coming up with a concept and visualising that.

My house is really beginning to feel like a lovely place to live. The addition of a television has suddenly made there be a communal space that we all now actually gravitate towards. It's a horrible reflection of this age in society that we need a tv to be able to feel like we a place to 'meet', but now that we have one, I don't even care.

I've ended the day feeling ridiculously loved. In the next 7 days, I have 6 different Christmas related activities to attend. Current flatmates, last year flatmates, WMT friends, CU friends, Graphics friends, it's all there. I also now have 2 very realistic places to live, which is such a nice change/surprise given my feelings over the last couple of weeks. It's s'aaallll good.

Yes. This has been an extremely nice drunken write up. I will now drink water and watch an episode of gilmore girls!

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