"we can't possibly sit together for a photo!&

Another lovely Friday :)

Took Stella for a doggy day out with her friend Mika which meant I got a lovely day with my friend Natz :)

Trying to get them to pose for a photo was good fun & no amount of coaxing or treats would get them to sit together!

I'm noticing such a difference in Stella around other dogs, she's still quiet but her tail is wagging more often than not these days & I think big credit is due to our Big Walkies walks :)

Got home to my first Christmas card and my latest intolerance/allergy results. From a different place this time & they use a hair sample. Most interesting was milk not showing and horse chestnut was.

I *know* I react to cow's milk but we now know that I'm probably taking anti-histamines all year round due to keeping conkers in every room to ward away eight-legged monsters!

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