
By mattleach

I Heart You To!

'It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.'
- Albert Einstein

This is my favourite present Will ever got me. It's about four years old and he got it my when we stayed in a chalet on a holiday camp. Everyday he went and spent his pocket money in an arcade and won streams of tickets. Normally he would spend them on plastic tat but this holiday he bizarrely saved every one that he won each day without explaining why? On the last day he came back with this mug. He'd secretly been planning all week to win enough to get me this that he'd spotted at the beginning. Bless him, how times change...

Had a lovely, well earned day off today. We had a browse around the Merry Hill centre and a nice lunch.

We received a strange phone call from the head of maths at Williams school requesting to meet us next Monday. All they would tell us is that its about his progress. I'm very nervous as he's worked so hard to improve. When we picked him up he told us that she had pulled him out of class and made him sit a much harder test that he would struggle with as he had got such a high score on this weeks tests? I'm not going to sleep all weekend not knowing. Is it that he is going to move up a lot higher as he has improved so much or is it they think he's cheated or something? The suspense is making me feel sick!

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