A day in my life :)

By bonbon2011


So this is a late blip. Taken on Thanksgiving early morning. (when I made a quick trip to old navy for jeans. The sale was so good I just had to go! No lines either, and I was home in plenty of time to cook ;) However, these shoppers have been camped out at Best Buy since the day before. Black Friday shoppers. That is so rediculous! That night toys r us opened at 9pm. My husband, son and I tried to go and get some good deals for our Grandkids, the line stretched about 1/4 of a mile! We didn't stay, but we did get up early on Friday to shop and got some excellent clothing deals...for ourselves haha! We enjoy black friday but don't get all crazy just to save a few bucks. It's our thing to do together. Then we go have breakfast at a decent restaurant. Last year we introduced my step daughter to the early rising and shopping. She loved it and we had a wonderful time! Even had our pic on the front page of the Pullman Wa. paper when we came out of a store w/our cart full of deals. So this year was a bit hard for us since J wasn't w/us. A painful reminder that another holiday has gone by w/out being able to celebrate w/our beautiful daughter/step daughter. I'm greatful for those special memories. Now to get ready for Christmas and New Years. I think New Years might be the hardest, starting a new year w/out one we love so much. It's an over whelming feeling of sadness.

Have a good weekend everyone :)

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