A Rose By Any Other Name

By arosebyanyother

Head Teachers Award

After a long night at work catching up on the gossip of 'who kissed who', 'who fancies who' & 'who faught who' at the Christmas party, I fell dead asleep as soon as the boys went off to school!!

They opened their Lego Calendar this morning after they were dressed, had breakfast & made their beds! Never seen them so on the ball with it!

Thank you Marlane & David for seeing to the boys today!

Dhylan returned home from school with the Head Teachers Award for a poem he wrote in class! We are very proud of him!

We've also ordered tickets to both of the boys plays & to a Christmas Carol Service!! :-) I've ordered quite a few tickets, in the hope that everyone is home & wants to come!

The boys opened their Moshi Monsters Calendar after school! They couldn't wait! Anyone would think it was Christmas!!!

Work again tonight! < I need a new job!!!! x

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