Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Blue tit

So pleased my daft blip yesterday caused a few chuckles - well I am allowed senior moments these days. Apologies for not following up on the egg blip. We ate them for breakfast this morning.

Yet another very wet day. We did get about half an hour of sunshine round about mid - day and some decent light to get some bird blips in the garden.

I had to put off my planned trip to Glasgow as the Rest and Be Thankful is closed because of landslides. Just couldn't be bothered with the extra ourney time going round by Dalmally and Ardlui - adds about 90 minutes to the journey each way .

Hope it has cleared for the weekend as we are going to the Theatre Royal on Saturday.

LARGE might be worth a look- you can see a fair part of our house in the blue tit's eye.

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