Every photo tells a story

By 5strings1

Mapsa market.

We took the bus to Mapsa which was an amazing experience. Walking around the huge market this young man volunteerd to carry the shoppping bags. I did ask him his name, but he pointed to my hearing aid and then signed to me that he was profoundly deaf. He had a truly dazzling smile and led us around the market to the best stalls. We sampled some soft skinned tangerines, which were the colour of limes and tasted heavenly. We had a cup of chai and our new friend pointed to a babana milk-shake, which gave him a milky 'tache, which amused him greatly. He led us back to the manic bus terminus and helped us aboard. I signed for him to write his name so that I could post this with the image, but the cnductor got a bit shirty with him and the helpful young man left the bus. He waved until we were out of site, and disappeared into the crowd.

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