Scotland The World Over
I took part in Scotland The World Over!
Why? Because I like to take topical blips. In the past I've done St. Patrick's Day and St. Georges Day so now it's the turn of St. Andrew. Next year I must remember St. David!
After a couple of lovely days in Edinburgh, the challenge of joining the community in blipping The Saltire appealed to me. So, today is St. Andrew's Day, and will be celebrated in our local church on Sunday, we had a special song written for the day. It happens to be Wednesday and therefore shopping day. I take The Mother to a small supermarket and we both do a weekly shop.
At this point I have no idea what the day's blip will be, but I would like it to involve the Scottish flag in the centre. Had absolutely no ideas at all until I picked up the mushrooms. I put them down quickly and hunted for a pack with a perfectly applied sticky Saltire label.
Then what? I got all around the shop and collected the whisky. Of course!l It had to be shopping to reflect my day, I picked up a few more things!
I wish I had some Younger's Tartan Special, not as good as the Bells but a such a colourful can!
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