Just the Withers......

By JaneW

A few things.....

1.JAYNE UPTON. light of my life,rose in my rose bowl,cat litter in my tray,penny piece in my gusset... I AM SORRY.. I AM SORRY I forgot to tell all of blip that YOU gave me my prized bird journal that sits proudly on my wrought iron recipe book stand,and you also brought me the STENCILS I do the lattes with,I shall never forget you.
2.look at my new cake stand !!!! :D
3.look at the cards Eve and Lucy made today... there are many more,but I lack time to faff about.
4.Lucy is intent to glue something in the back ground.... can I just tell you she once tried to sellotape Lola cats bottom up. (sellotape is sticky tape to other people around the globe)

(moonhopsbigtits brought me the bird mug after I handed it to her and said,buy this for me).

p.s UK can you strike more often as I have had a lovely day... x

p.p.s my darling Eve has passed an entrance exam into a school she now will be going to,the letter came today..we are very proud of her xxxx

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