A confused genius

By Lez11

4 point diet

Public sector are out on strike today over pensions. Personally I don't a agree with the strike as I'm paying approx 11% contribution towards my final salery pension and the public sector is paying nowhere near that towards their final Salery pension, (maybe 3-4%). However if I was in the public sectors shoes I would p**sed off to. Unfortunatly we all have to make sacrifices to get the country out of this economic crisis. If we don't and the country goes bump then the whole country will be on a perminant strike like, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain.

Yesterday at work we spoke about weddings today we spoke about diets. Why are there so many fashionable diets on the market that don't actually work. Celebs promote these diets for financial gain and the reason why they are slim is because they have dieticians, nutritionists and personal instructors. 4 easy steps to dieting:
1 eat foods with less fat content in them.
2 eat foods with less calories in them
3 eat reduced portions
4 bloody exercise
Job done, all I need is a celeb to promote this 4 step diet and I will become a millionaire.

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