Old stumpy!

What a great day! I couldn't sleep so got up at 8am & went for a walk (no work as I'm on STRIKE) then a coffee outside Starbucks whilst I watched everyone rushing to work (an underestimated pleasure, especially under the circumstances!).

Took part in the demonstration outside the town hall (Ding! Ding! Round one! Bullingdon club 0, Public sector workers 1) and took a few photos whilst being deafened by vuvuzelas & whistles.

In the afternoon mum & I took a drive out to Ilkley & I was treated to a lovely lunch at the Cow & calf (so cozy with a roaring fire it always has a lovely atmosphere) before a short yomp around the rocks where I took a few shots with my Canon & iPhone.

Back home & a relax in front of 'Come dine with me' hehe

By the way any fellow Bradfordian's a member of 'Bradford photography society' or been to any of their meetings? I'm thinking of popping along next Thursday to check it out.

(This shot is iPhone edited with 'Camera +' & 'Camera bag' as not uploaded my canon shots yet)

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