Allons-y! fiber arts

By Bethanne


I had acupuncture yesterday and it felt oh so wonderful. When I came home I had fun in the back yard with the dogs at sunset. India actually ran across the yard (over an acre and a half) without too much prompting which I was happy about. She nearly knocked me down in her excitement - all 125 pounds of her. Oh - and those in the UK - I think you call it a garden what we call a yard? Garden here has either flowers or vegetables and a yard is the whole kit and kabuddle of lawn and trees and flowers.

But last night we had a massive wind storm. I heard the bench fall over at The Kissing Place (a tree with lovely autumn colors in the fall and my old Mendocino bench - called The Kissing Place because of the pairs of birds always found there who live in that tree). So sleep was minimal and of course everyone wanted up at an unGodly hour of the morning. So after walking, feeding and watering everyone I sat down with a cup of coffee (yes - drinking coffee again - I adore it - not giving it up ever again) the sun started to creep over the favorite resting spot of the cats.

I love photographing Sidney in the light. He has such expressive eyes. Everyone calls him a she because of his soft feminine features. He doesn't care ! He is just a very happy go lucky sort of fellow who purrs if you look at him and loves a good rub under the chin. I strive to do something a little different with my cat shots and do honestly dislike it when people think cat photography is meant for emergency Blipping and not worthy of anything.

How do you feel about the whole cats as emergency Blips sort of thing?

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