.....I lost my heart......

...to a Starship trooper!

Firstly let me say a big thank you to all of you who commented on my 500 last night. 154 views and 53 comments...and I made the spotlight page....and three new subscribers!

So why tonight's title...and why a picture of a microwave?

You might remember on Sunday I blipped that our three month old microwave had blown up. The Boss took it back to the shop today...and by being much more calm than I would have been...she got a full refund on the machine...and the extended warranty...and a good deal on this model

When we unpacked it this evening the first thought that went through my mind was ..."Hell's bells, it's the Darth Vader of microwaves!"

The Boss cooked dinner...gammon, mushrooms.....and for me a baked potato....I half expected the microwave to ping and then announce ...."Skywalker, your spud is ready" Of course it didn't...but a boy can dream can't he...how cool would it be to have a talking microwave, especially with Vaders voice?

The Daughter tells me you can buy toasters that toast a picture onto the bread, including one that does Vader. I wonder if the Boss would like one for Ch****mas?

That reminds me of one of my favourite Ch****mas jokes: you have to read it in your best Vader impression mode:

Vader: "Skywalker I know what you are getting for Christmas"
Skywalker " You don't, it's not true, nobody knows"
Vader " I know young Skywalker, there has been a disturbance in the Force and I have felt your presents!"

O.K., I'll get my coat. At least it's clean...I know two really dirty Santa jokes.
Maybe another time.

Das vidanys moy padruga.

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