Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

I do not want this.

I spent a couple of hours outside tonight playing with torches and long (ish) exposures.

Ok, i'm lying, it was too bloody cold and the old bladder can't last out for a few hours in the cold without exploding, so i spent a couple of minutes outside.

The initial plan was to do a few hours worth of star trails but the best place is at the top of the garden, which is tooo far away from the house on a cold night, and i haven't quite worked out the most labour efficient way of doing the exposures yet!

I spent a bit of time running to and from the play house to try and get some light painting, but it was frankly,rubbish.

I can't remember what i was doing in this picture, but its the best of a bad bunch, so its yours!



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