The remains of November

The second last day's moments before sunrise turned out very beautiful. I only regretted I had chosen a skirt which (almost) kept me away from kneeling down to the frosty ground to look for different angles.

When I looked at the pictures twelve hours later I had no idea how real the colors were that came out of my camera settings. I don't think it matters. I just very much enjoyed the unplanned 15min getaway from the full packed bus and the walk down to the water front along a frosty trail.

I hadn't been here for months and was surprised to see the waterfowls were hanging in their usual place like they had no plan to leave these hemispheres. The swans got a bit distracted about my presence, especially the youngster swimming beside me making criticizing sounds, the adults quickly following trying to appear as big as possible when passing me. By the time I was back in a bus I noticed they had made their way to the other side of the island joined by a couple of other swans.

And the bus was full packed and I had to stand in the front, staring at the highway in front of me and the line-ups we passed. I noticed the driver was smiling.

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