
By JohnD

Fine weather for them!

Woke this morning to the sound of heavy traffic. The road junction outside our house was queued solid from 7.00 am to almost 10! Seems that some local roads are closed due to flooding and our little road is doubling as a diversion route.
Some rain overnight! After sorting the house out this morning, we went out in the car for a nosey round. As suspected, we discovered one local road flooded out and closed. A quick trip to Culross took us into drier weather and we ventured out for a short stroll. We passed the well-rated Biscuit Cafe but kept going as Rona was with us. I spotted this little flock outside the cafe and thought they summed up the weather nicely.
Late result, that traffic is building well and the queue at the junction is away down the road and round the corner already!

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