Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

To try or not to try - that is the quest.......

These are possibly Sulphur Tuft ; Hypholma fasciculare - pretty, delicate but poisonous. I have just discovered this site which gives an introduction for the newby to fungi, me included.
Fab Fungi

The image looks upside down to me but it's the angle the stump was sticking out of the banking that creates the impression. I enjoy hunting around in the undergrowth for these little things, there's so much to see and learn. The odd looks from people who don't know me are quite inspirational in their way; as folk get nearer I try to fidget and twitch which makes them walk closer together and huddle away from the raving loony with the camera in the middle of the woods.

If you have a few seconds have a look close up and see how much is going on in what is virtually compost created over years of mulching.


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