Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Center Parcs: Day 4

Why is it that when I manage to get a great (in my opinion) shot of a squirrel eating toast I also manage to get this shot which I love and therefore the squirrel goes unseen? This sums up a lovely few days. Both kids playing together and having a fantastic time. Ok William had his moments, but he is getting better at dealing with frustrations, or maybe I am. Still hoping it will improve when his vocabulary improves.

Day 4 is going home day, so it was early breakfast and then much to the kids delight they were allowed to sit down infront of Cbeebies whilst we finished packing and sorting. Then it was goodbye to Nanna and Poppa as they went off to see friends and we headed off to go for a final swim.

A quick play on the park followed by a quick chat with Jackie the Barn Owl before we hit the pool. Mummy and Daddy managed to stay quite dry this time as the kids were happy with the kids slides and the big pool. Lunch at the sports bar then we headed home. William was almost asleep before we got to the car and Carys was asleep after only a few minutes of driving.

We still managed to get to ballet. We found out the next exams are on the 12th May. Sally is going to ask for a special dispensation for Carys as you have to be five to sit the exams and her birthday is 15th. If not she will have to wait until this time next year, which seems a bit unfair.

In the evening I went to a meeting at the local college about the noise issues with their pitch. Not a happy meeting I have to say as they are intending to put in planning for longer hours, but don't get me started. I am quietly hopeful that they are considering options to sort out our houses individual problems. I arrived home at 20.55 to find William still up and wide awake reading books with Daddy. That'll teach us to let him sleep for longer than an hour in the daytime.

Planning for next year has started. I just need to pin down school on their inset day dates.
Please look at my backblips if you have time and/or be bothered.

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