
By mrsmac

official business

It's not often you get a letter from the House of Commons. What with that and a card from the rozzers saying they'd been round, I began to think that I was in some kind of bother - funny that.

Turns out that it just pays to raise awareness with the authorities after all. The rozzers were following up a report I'd made about thieving gypsy scu some metal theft from the garden and the House of Commons envelope contained a rather pleasant and supportive letter of response from my local MP. It turns out he thinks that Andrew Langsley is an even bigger twat than I do and he and Andy Burnam are doing all they can to expose him as such. Well, I do paraphrase, but that pretty much sums it up.

So, who knew? Turns out I'm a responsible, middle aged suburbanite. Go figure.

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