Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

vanity thy name is...................

"no you can't use that one i look fat". and here was me thinking that that was something only you gals said.
well blippers it has been another night of randomness. you see much like my colleague i never intended to expand my social circle through the use of blip. i am coming to realise though that if you stick all these people together who share at least one common interest then you are boundto get a few who have even more in common.
i mean everyone here has found that they will comment on certain blip pages more than others. this is normal we all gravitate towards people we think we have things in common with. i myself am no exception. while i try to look at as many journals as poss, i always find myself wandering back to old fav's.

so in that spirit another meeting was arranged. yep it was time to meet up with another fellow blipper (although at least this one stays in london so it was easier to arrange), although his timekeeping leaves a bit to be desired.
whata great night though. these things are very 50/50 even if you have been getting on on blip there is no guarantee that you will in person. thankfully it went well and the time just flew by. not sure if we set the world to rights as we never seemed to get to the end of any particular topic. honestly it was like a couple of sweetie wifes.

i just noticed that this blip is beginning to get away from me so i shall finish by saying cheers to bisk for a quality night out. funny guy who shares a lot of my opinions (although we need to do something about your weight concerns, ha ha ha)

for those that have stuck with it so far then click here for some more shots of last nights travels.

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