A Dream Remembered

By gotmilk

My little boy is two years old today.

Although he had his Birthday Party yesterday, today is the actual day when he turned 2 years old. My goodness he has changed. He keeps talking to guests now, even though he can't say any words, he speaks his own language to all, and he is so cute doing so. My heart just melts and I can't stop smiling. Today he was ever so happy when he got to stay at his grandpa alone for couple of hours. When he came back home he was so happy. I love to see him smiling. His been so jealous over Eppu for so long and now it seems like he is getting back to himself again. My heart is filled with joy when I see him enjoying life so much.

Here is our first glance at each other. My heart was not big enough for all the love I had for him so I shared the love with all of my family. Everyone loves him so much. It is a Special day to him and a very very Special day to me and my husband.

I hope you all had a nice monday. And if there's somebody who has the time to let me know some photo editing tips I'd more than appreciate it. Thank you.

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