Black Gold
Evening all
Black Gold.......not the stuff I work gold taste, black and strong....just like my women....bloody hell, better not let Mamma G see that lol ;0)
And the other stuff in the pic is Kach....absolute Kach......I know, I know, your all set for the lecture to give me on how good greens are for me ......unless its Green and Blacks chocolate....say no more. My Mum, bless her soul, used to mix chopped up cabbage in with my mashed potatoes. I would sit and pick it out........
Mum..."What are you doing"
Me......"Picking out the Kach"
"Its cabbage!!"
"As I said.....Kach"
"Just eat it"
"Its Kach"
"You wont notice it with your mashed tatties!"
"I just did, why do you think I'm picking it out!"
Funnily enough, this tactic was never deployed again!
My little monsters love all things veg.....I know, I tried, alas !! They even like Brussels.....went wrong somewhere along the line !! ;0)
Foods nearly ready.......better serve the minions !!!! ;0)
Have a great evening ;0)
TTFN ;0)
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