Turnberry Lighthouse

I couldn't leave Turnberry without getting a shot of the Lighthouse. Designed by Stevenson who was responsible for many of the lighthouses in Scotland. It has been here since 1873.

This isn't the best viewpoint but there was no way I was going clambering along the rocks on a day like today. In fact at one point I thought the Tripod, Camera, and photographer were all going to get blown into the Ocean.

A postscript on last nights luxurious stay. When we went down to the Restaurant I noticed there were loads of iPads sitting on a table with the menus. It was only when the waitress took us over to the table and explained that I realised the iPad contains the wine list. Haven't seen that before. You can browse through the wines and make you selection. I asked if I could keep it but they politely declined. But I noticed the price of some of the wines would have made you think there was a free iPad included!

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