
By katgirl

In the Garden

Bob is my nightly helper in the garden. He identifies the "mean old vines" that we need to rip out of the ground to punish them for trying to sap the life out of our veggies.

The garden seems to be doing well so far. I thought the rainbow chard had disappeared - our sole failure in the garden. But after all the rain we have had and the addition of some organic fertilizer, one of the four has returned & is going strong. Our neighbor who gave us lettuce from his garden on Friday pulled the lettuce out of the ground with the roots attached. So I put 2 in the garden to see what would happen. And they are growing :-) I am most excited about the tiny basil and cilantro plants, as those are my two favorite herbs.

I have read that earthworms are a good indicator of quality soil. If that is true, our soil is brimming with health.

And laugh if you like, but the stakes for the beans are plow markers. I figured they need to earn their keep during the summer, too.

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