Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage


What a wonderful time we have had with house guests from out of town! A very low key approach, thankful hearts, laughter, good food and holiday lights! Shore Acres State Park, Botanical Gardens has a group of friends that outdo themselves every year. The task of hanging 300,000 lights each year, then taking them down again seems absolutely nuts to me sometimes, but the community finds enough value in it to keep doing it again.

Tonight's surprise came in the form of the sound of bagpipes floating over the garden in the damp night air all aglow. Many nights of the holiday light festival, musicians from the community gather in the gazebo an fill the air with Christmas music. Bagpipes were a real treat tonight, but the biggest surprise was that they were part of a wedding! I was able only to capture one ghostly photo of the bridal party flying by on their way out, but the friendly bagpipe player paused long enough for a photo.

A new joy for me this year...Light Trails, which you have modeled for me (thank you very much!), and made the park extremely enjoyable this year!

I have pondered many times, of late, the value of investing in living and giving fully each day, then resting deeply at the end of it, satisfied that the time was well spent.

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