Return to the North

By Viking


A wee bit of rain again today - reasonably warm still which is good - although not good for sandlfy avoidance!
This is the agapanthus just outside the back door - liked the way the raindrops were lingering. Took quite a few, might use more different shots tomorrow.

For those of you reading the dramas over mother - she is still in hospital but is 'up and about' so mind slightly more at ease.

For those who don't 'believe' ... My sister normally ( and by that I mean pretty much for the last three years at least)only visits my mum on a sunday for sunday dinner (she's not daft, my mum cooks a mean sunday dinner!) Last week A moved into a new flat and needed to go pick up some curtains she had stored at mums. Not being able to wait until sunday she went round on Friday evening. She found my mum on the bathroom floor after a fall on WEDNESDAY. Now my mum is insulin dependent diabetic. Imagine if my sister had waited until Sunday!!! Doesn't bear thinking about - and certainly makes me think that someone up there is looking after us!

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