
By tookie

Tofurky Day Success!

A collage of our wonderful Thanksgiving Day spend with Goose and Gander, Goose's parents and us. The kids prepared an array of scrumptious foods with tofurky highlighting the day! Big R made three pies---two pumpkin chiffon and one brownie. For lunch we had African Peanut quinoi soup and pumpkin biscuits the kid's made with some sparkling drinks. Dinner was tofurky, stuffing, gravy, garlic potatoes, sauerkraut (my mid west influence), green bean casserole, orange-honey carrots, stuffing balls, cranberry sauce, and greek salad-----and we all agreed the tofurky was very good! Thanks kids for a very special day we are so thankful to have shared all together!!!! Lots of good food and many many laughs all wrapped in love.

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