A Grand Day Out

Well, it was until SWMBO went arse over tit fell in the mud at Tantalon Castle.

We thought as it was a dry and sunny day - if somewhat chilly and windy we would take advantage of the free entry to the Historic Scotland properties.

First stop was Dirleton Castle.
It is somewhere I could spend ages with my big camera and a tripod ...... and none of the extremely rude adults and their badly behaved children who seemed to have come out in their droves today.

One or two other shots from Dirleton are here.

We stopped off in North Berwick to buy the paper and a spot of lunch and then headed of to Tantalon Castle where SWMBO had her mishap ............ my fault of course for suggesting she walk on the slightly longer grass next to the rapidly turning to mud shirt grass.

She headed back to the car to hide her indignity and sit on a plastic bag while I carried on to do battle with the rude and inconsiderate people of the world (could the woman not wait 30 seconds for the half dozen people to come down the steps? ......... NO - she just had to barge her way past).

I didn't even try to go up the building - I just went and took a couple of shots of the Bass Rock (and a couple of small fluffy clouds) and headed back to the car .... without falling on my backside - just to show SWMBO that it was possible after all.

Obviously we couldn't go anywhere else - so we headed for home where SWMBO fell in had a bath and I watched the Grand Prix.

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