Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

Another day.....another roll of the dice

Well here we are - 365 blips later.

This image was inspired by a photo by Abel Tonkens which I saw on The Photo Argus. It isn't as polished as that image, indeed now I have done it I could do it again better. The thing I have learned doing Blip is get on with it! Blip now, tweek later. I can alter an image for my own photobook at a later date.

Looking back it has been a much busier year than I thought. It is so fantastic having a photographic record of events. I have taken a photo on every day bar 2. The missing blips relate to days I was on holiday and didn't back blip, or photos I thought were just too terrible, or unfair to the subject.

If anyone one is interested my fives are:
1) Schools out
2) In search of ancient man
3) Busted
5) Boombox

My heartfelt thanks to all the guys and gals at Blipcentral - doing a sterling job.
My very warmest thanks to my subscribers and you lovely folk who keep making comments on my efforts. I really appreciate it and it is what keeps me going when my mojo seems to be deserting me.

So many thanks to you all and I promise to be more dilligent in commenting.

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