
By Saffi

The Chetnole Inn

Rather a hasty bad photographic blip today but it does show the lovely warm sunshine and I like the greenery - some of it oddly artificial such as the green ball hanging below the inn sign! Many villages around here are keeping their red telephone boxes as part of the English tradition although BT has removed the telephones. Most modern telephone boxes are now grey and glassy.

It turned out to be a busy day today. First N returned some oranges which were not fresh to the supermarket. Then a neighbour called to find out how N was doing. J used to be a maternity sister at the local hospital! She and her husband are shortly moving to the Isle of Man to a croft and smallholding they have inherited. Then we drove to the Chetnole Inn where we had lunch with friends - another treat, we went out last Sunday too! Delicious meal. We also bumped into Dennis Lill and his wife (actor) . (T and the Lill children used to go to the same school when they were small).

On returning home we were nearly locked out again as the frontdoor key had jammed in the key safe! The backdoor lock has not been mended yet as they have to order new parts. While we were away T and his friend from Cornwall had been working hard welding part of a cattle feeder back together again as well as bedding up and feeding the animals. They had cooked steak and chips for their lunch then the cows had got out so they failed to clear away and wash up afterwards!

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