the (rear) end

our dear pigs are off to meet their maker, so this is the last pig-blip 'til next year.

the last few days have been quite adventurous as one of them (this one, in fact) decided that totally ignoring the electric fence was the way to go and so he just walked through it and went off to seek his fortune in the food shed, the bike shed, out on the road etc etc. He also decided to try and "play with" whoever tried to put him away, which seemed to involve charging at them in a hippy-skippy way and then trying to eat their trousers. He developed a taste for dog food too.
The other pig (not this one) stood in their field all the time this was going on, waiting for his big fat friend to come back. He never got out and only was only ever allowed to eat half a portion of food - this is easy to see as he is a lot smaller than the other, who seemed to manage to eat and fight the other off at the same time.

So, we had to load them into the trailer and big fatty just walked out through the gap in the fence, followed me into the trailer and started to eat the food and beer I'd put ready for him. The slightly dopey friend, however, couldn't grasp the idea that the fence was no longer there and went for the "panic" option instead! It took quite a while to get him to the trailer. But now they're both in there and will soon have a little trip out (as soon as the forms are filled out) to meet the butcher.

I'll see them next at the end of the week when they come home in the form of steaks and sausages.

Oh, by the way, this blip has not been approved by the vegetarian society.

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