More days at hand

By phyreling

Why they put energy drinks in cans....

At the moment, I'm relieved from my duties as a student supervisor, and I can go back to being a student myself. This means, doing some literature research (yes, the old book worm routine), make some leg breaking hypothesis about something or the other, and trying to build up some argumentation as a pro or con to this hypothesis. Which after all this technical proceduring can be fitted into 45 minutes of presenting your wild ideas to lots of smarter people than your self (and come out shredded)!

I can tell you, this is just as exciting as climbing the Matterhorn or Mt Everest! Really! And since climbing costs energy, doing this book worm stuff also eats away your energy!

Luckily for me, some smart peeps invented something that will take you either up one the previously mentioned mountians in 5 minutes, turn you into a hypertyper (like me now), or... make it possible to just spent that extra few nightly hours with your noose in science papers and excel sheets! This little something being 'Energy Drinks'!

You can imagine the cumulative effect of gaining hours awake and loose sleep! (A lot!) But than there is this invention of 'more' energy drinks.

And after those hours of sleep missed, I got the bright idea to put the stuff in a glass. I'm sure others have done it before me. I think they all came to the same conclusion as me, or they poured it in the glass 'after' the wodka.

The conclusion being.... They put that stuff the can, because of the color!

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