...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Leavin on a jet plane

Today we headed home from our week long vacation in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Miles did great on the first leg, sleeping the entire time. On our second flight he did pretty good. A little fussy here and there because he just can't understand why he can't get down and crawl.

The highlight of the trip was when Miles did a big, dirty diaper, but we were unable to 'roam about the cabin' due to extreme turbulence (even the flight attendants had to take their seats). So the poor guy sat in it for about an hour, and when I was finally able to get back and change him, he decided to pee everywhere mid change and got all over his clothes and the entire plane bathroom. Luckily we had a spare outfit packed!!!

After a day of flying Miles was so happy to be home and crawl around. Hope that 3 hour time zone change won't affect him too much.

Here he is, escaped his carseat and sitting like a big kid on the plane. With his Paci (that we now have to break him of AGAIN), and his beat friend G-hoff the giraffe.

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