A Rose By Any Other Name

By arosebyanyother

We All Have Our Secrets

This morning was Pancake Saturday!! Julia & the boys came into our room & we all had breakfast in bed! (good job we have a super-king size bed!!)

Dan & Julia took the boys to toys r us to choose Christmas presents (I do believe she spoilt them!!) tut tut!

They also went to the Victorian Market! (we shall be going again tomorrow!) :-)

I've managed to squeeze myself onto my friends hairdressing appointment list!! Hehe! Oh the perks!

Got my works Christmas party Tuesday! Let my new hair down!! :-)

Really looking forward to Sunday dinner tomorrow! Had a lovely Italian made by Julia, thank you!!! Yum!

Dan, Julia & I went shopping for essentials for Sunday dinner, we got maybe a few extra little bits! (or maybe a trolley full of extras!) Oops! X

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