All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Birthday Party

Ethan has had a fun, fun, fun day today!

Gymnastics this morning. He still isn't joining in with the actions very much but he's getting much better at choosing a circle to go and sit on and he stays put now, which is progress. Today, rather than spend much time on the apparatus, he preferred to just run up and down the hall at top speed!

A trip round Morrisons afterwards to stock up for our holiday next week. Ethan had to open a bag of cherry tomatoes to eat loads on the way round as usual!

After lunch, Ethan & I drove over to Glasgow for Ruaridh's 2nd birthday party. And Ethan had such fun! He wasn't at all shy considering he didn't really know anyone apart from the birthday boy and his mummy and made himself right at home. He especially enjoyed the chocolate birthday cake (when it was taken out the room for cutting, he followed it through to the kitchen and gazed at it wistfully, until he was given the first slice)! I have to say - it was very yummy. Ruaridh's Aunty did a good job!

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