The Wolf Journal

By wolfjournal

A glass

I would love to say this photo is the product of an intense burst of creativity combined with hours of preparation, but that would be a lie. This was already set up at the Photo Acadamy, who had an open door day. The ice cubes are fake too...

It did make me think about their courses. But I doubt. I would love to do it, but the investment in terms of time and money is quite serious. And then I wonder if it is worth it - after all, it is merely a hobby...

Today was also the day for the yearly Sinterklaas presents-shopping adventure/horrors. Masses of people also hunting for presents - wide-eyed, sweating, swearing, doubting. Never finding what you're looking for. Doubts whether the recipient will like it. And so on. No, I think I prefer sending my love through words, not through presents....

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