
By earthdreamer

Hawthorns at Crocodile Rock

What a difference a day makes. The weather today was as awful as it was lovely yesterday. I guess the 300 mile journey north might have made a bit of difference too! Thanks for all your lovely comments in respect to Hengistbury Head (and my amazing mum). It seems that a lot of people have a connection to that part of the world. As a few of you were aware, appearances are slightly deceptive for behind me in that shot is the huge sweep of Bournemouth Bay, and the start of ever increasing commercialisation. As you head east from the centre of the town the crowds and development gradually thin out all the way to the head where you never see many people. The quiet here was always more attractive to me than the typical attractions of a British seaside resort. It seems then that I've been withdrawing from crowds for as long as I can remember! I think these patterns get established in our lives at a very early age. And never go away!

Today's forecast suggested that the weather might brighten a bit in the late afternoon, but that never happened. Back having to work again, I almost left it too late to get out for the light was fading fast when I went out for a run. I wake up to this very silhouette (much more distant) from my bed every morning so it is quite close to my heart. I've taken many shots from here before, but I've always found something else to blip on those days. Today I had nothing else to offer, the driving rain making photography really quite difficult. This isn't the first time you've seen these rocks, and I'm sure it won't be the last. The previous occasion was on similar day of quite wild weather (but a very different kind of shot), looking from the other side.

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