This dog has rabies...
Noooo,I jest,she is running away from Marley who wants the worlds biggest stick ... why a huge dog as Marley wants that piffling twig in Buffys chops is beyond me....
Now as I mentioned yesterday about randy Pepe,let me tell you that Buffy is a dirty little dog too....she likes to get 'fruity' with certain cushions and ALWAYS a fleece,if you are wearing a fleece top and you sit down she will 'hump' your arm.... if you remover the fleece out of sheer fright she will gather the fleece into a ball and give it a good seeing too... she is terrible !!!! I was informed by a couple of other blippers yesterday that their JRT's also do some arm humping... it must be the breed :D
Zoe used to have a fleecey type dressing gown and Buffy would gaze longingly at it when it was hung up on its hook,but my god if Zoe put that dressing gown on Buffy would LAUNCH at her and behave like a wild beast !!!!!! I had to buy Zoe a new dressing gown,the sleeves wore clean through.
Today,sun out,feels like spring not winter,made a fruit loaf,made some scones... walked pooches ... blahhh de blaaahh :D
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