Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Gorgeous girl!

Today my owner Ann, had her hair cut & highlighted, she had her nails done and then she went for a facial.

I think she was trying to make herself look as gorgeous as me?!

However, for reasons outwith her control, the 'facial' never happened so she's only half gorgeous?! Therefore, she obviously can't be blipped because who wants to look at a 'middle aged ugly woman?'

In comparison, I'm 'Molly the gorgeous collie' and I look gorgeous all the time?!!

Ann's done a bit of experimenting with my blip today. This is the first time I've been blipped in black and white. She's going to do lots more experimenting when she has time.

As far as I'm concerned I look gorgeous whatever colour I'm blipped in?!!

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