
By treegonk

Drive-by XXXX

'Extra legs'


Struggling to find time for blipping at the moment.

Drive-by chances slightly improved by a plastic courtesy car VW Polo that has slightly less power than a hair drier, but bigger windows for camera aiming.

My car is in the operating theatre for some reconstructive surgery after its brush with 20 tonnes of Dutch freight. I miss the extra power for getting past the lorries on the motorway before they veer out of their lanes and into my side.

Not that I'm completely paranoid about them or check the number plates to see if they're left-hand-drive, with mirrors too small to see me and a blind spot bigger than the Channel Tunnel. (oh and insurance companies that take months to admit their driver was BLINDER THAN A BAAAAAAT.)

Screwed up the timing and didn't even get the camera straight. Oh well - I liked the way the boy wasn't even looking where he was going.

Do I sound a bit frustrated? :o/

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