Lady Sage Days

By LadySage

Angel number

I am a great one for signs as in watching out for something meaningful that helps us to understand that when we are going through a crisis we aren't as alone as we might feel.

I get these things happening at crucial moments. Today I had two. One was a meaningful numberplate that was on a car that overtook me and the other was when I stopped to pick up a friend to go to the new dentist and when I looked at the car clock it was showing 333.

Doesn't matter that it was an hour fast because I haven't had chance to reset it yet, it was the number that was meaningful.

This is the meaning of that number.

333 - The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you.

What is strange in a way is that I am not what you'd call religious but I am spiritual and believe in an afterlife and yet last night for the first time in absolutely ages I prayed for help.

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