Life Support Machine
A busy, but largely positive, day finds me blipless in the evening. So you have a snap of our internet radio - life support for a Radio 4 addict like me. It is turned on at 7am, and often not turned off until bedtime. Even if I'm not actively listening to it, it provides a comforting background noise.
So, the day. More fog, which didn't lift all day so tonight we had a very slow journey the 4km home in the dark. The plumbers worked extraordinarily hard today and got an enormous amount done. When they show up - they really go for it. Just a shame they didn't show up more a month or so ago... Anyway, we now have water everywhere it should be bar our en suite bathroom and one tiny sink downstairs. The kitchen, despite some last minute stress from Mr B about the sink tap shelf not looking right, is plumbed in and the hot water tank works.
So that's the good news. Our electrician has tried all ways but cannot get us an earlier appointment for our slightly less temporary supply to be turned on. So we will have 10 days with our building site supply - which is only intended to power a couple of drills, rather than a water heater, several radiators, cooker, kettle, lights, telly, etc, etc. In 10 days we will have a 12kW monophase supply, which will power most of the above, but not necessarily all at the same time. In an unknown number of weeks we will have a [power to be decided] kW threephase supply. Here in France you pay more for your standing charge depending on how much power you think you are likely to draw from the system. A quirk in our area is that the maximum available per house on a normal system is 12kW - not enough for our house. In our old house in Roussillon our system kept tripping if we had too many items on one circuit, and we definitely want to avoid that. Anyway, enough about electricity.
The move draws ever nearer...
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