It's that Rock again
Fun day out at a farmer's market in Tillamook today, and hanging out on the beach as yesterday. We also got a couple of kites and had an evening session on the dunes. It was tremendously windy and neither of the kites would do anything other than spin around like crazy and then crash straight away on the person who released it. This was, of course, very amusing for me and K at the string end of things, but not so amusing for Mr MT on the dive-bombing seagull kite end of things.
In the end I tied the kite up better so it would fly, which amused the real seagulls no end. Unfortunately, we couldn't get the kite to come down without winding the string in all the way which took more time than seemed worthwhile for a $9.99 kite... Anyway, I'm sure the string burn marks on my fingers will heal eventually.
So, this is the rock again from.... pretty much the same angle, but about an hour later... Had I been more organised this whole 4 day Pacific Beach stint could have been a series of rock pictures, but then you may have gathered that organisation is not so much my thing.
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