By ANDY597


Got the start of a man cold today;

Got to work and had the usual assortment of customers. However, about lunchtime the mobile rang and it was teletext holidays saying that I had to call them back urgently.

So I done this and it turns out that the airports in Portugal are on strike on the day that Dad was supposed to return to Edinburgh. However, despite multiple attempts of phoning the hotel, they have been uable to get in touch with father dear and let him know whats going on.

Now knowing my father, he wont listen to anyone in the hotel and will proceed directly to the airport and then sleep at the airport for three days until he can get the next flight. I can picture him panicking at this very moment as this is his first trip abroad on his own.

We are googling the hotel at lunchtime trying to find ways of getting in touch with him and come up with a plan to make sure that he has enough money and accomodation for the next three days and what needs to happen at his end.

However, I need not have worried as at that precise moment the phone rang and it was dad, happy as larry that he was getting to stay at his location for the next three days and everybody was looking after him.

Well, thats a turn up for the books, usually he likes a panic to himself, but I was pleasantly surprised that the travel agent must have got in touch with him and took the sting out the I must panic mode before he phoned back.

He must have been doing his Gday Mick Dundee routine while in Portugal as he informs me that the cook has been making him "special dinners". Not entirely sure what this entails, but Im sure that I will hear all about it when he gets home (eventually)

I visit Eric and Kaye and give them a loan of the sat nav for their travels and return home.

Then apparently in my mother in law's street two undesirables pannelled ten bells out of a Renault Clio with baseball bats before taking off into the night. Presumably, they either wanted to send a message to the owner of the car or maybe they just dont like french automobiles. I know how they feel really when it comes to the french, need proof, think of the the Citroen 2cv.

Oh well, one less bad boy racer automobile to worry about on the roads. Well done lads, any chance in you eliminating some Saxo's next.

Nothing else exciting to report today apart from the arrival of my new suite and daddy swivel round arm chair. Ooh its big.

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